This one is for you Tony!!! Thanks for being so patient.
So... if you really want to impress... make Oreo balls. They are pretty much the most amazing things ever (besides my chocolate chip cookies... I love those things).
They are pretty easy, but sort of time consuming... well worth it though. You will be loved. They are great for work occasions, holiday parties, baby showers... pretty much anything.

Oreo Balls
Serves: 24 (makes about 50 balls)
1 Package Oreos
1 (8 oz) package cream cheese
1/2 package chocolate almond bark (You can also use a half bag of chocolate chips with a tsp. of butter or shortening)
1 square white chocolate almond bark (or 1/4 cup white chocolate chips with a little oil drizzled to thin it out)
Crunch up the Oreos into a blender and pulse until fine. (Unless you have a great blender, only blend about a half a row at time)
Place ground up Oreos into a mixing bowl and add cream cheese. Mix well with hands until you can form into a large ball. Cover and place in refrigerator for an hour.
Melt chocolate almond bark in microwave for a minute or over a double boiler.
Remove Oreo mixture from fridge and roll into balls by the teaspoon. Dip balls in melted chocolate and place on parchment paper until hardened.
Melt white chocolate in microwave for a minute or over a double boiler.
With a spoon, drizzle the white chocolate over the chocolate covered Oreo balls and let sit until it hardens.
Serve and watch them fly!! If you by chance have leftovers, place them in the fridge.